Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Starting out at Ehow, What to expect

Starting out at Ehow, you need to have patience. In the forum, many new Ehowers announce their concerns about having many views and little earnings. Maybe they just made .74 cents. This is normal. It takes time for the articles to get into the search engines and mature. How Long? Well, it just depends on how much you write. Many of us members at Ehow try to "spread out our writing," in other words. Instead of writing 5 articles every Friday, Spread them out and write one every day or every other day. No one knows the true way we get paid at Ehow, it is a big secret. We believe it is based on a number of things including Ad Clicks, Views, Involvement at Ehow (rating and commenting on other's articles- although some Ehow member's do not feel this one makes a difference) and some of us noticed that when we spread out our writing, we earn more money.

My best tip is for you to write as much as possible the first few months. Set a goal for yourself and do not worry about earnings. By your second month on Ehow you may make payout.

There is alot to learn on Ehow to make the most money you can, and again, I plan on using this platform to share all I have learned.

As I mentioned before, I do believe Ehow is the best paying writing site out there, and I have tried many.

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