Wednesday, March 24, 2010

How to Get Help quickly at Ehow!

How to Get Help quickly at Ehow!

Ehow is a fabulous place to write about what you know, and earn money!
Questions or issues may arise at any point and help is just a click away!
Let's go over some often asked questions or issues!

Ehow Publishing Help!
If you are having problems publishing, there is an option you can click, "Switch to expanded View." This will usually help! If you are still having problems losing work, simply write it on your Microsoft works, and paste it at Ehow!

Ehow payment Help!
You get paid once a month, as long as you have reached $10, if you have not reached $10, it carries over to the next month.

Payment is usually the first half of the next month! In other words, if your payment for July is $75, you will get paid before the 15th of August. The exact day will vary.

If you go to your earnings tab and it reads carryover (when you are awaiting payment,) and you have made over $10, do not be alarmed, it will switch to pending shortly.

Ehow help for writing proper!
To avoid getting your articles deleted by Ehow, simply go back over their guidelines again! Follow their rules!
Write like you were in school, capital letters at the beginning of a sentence and periods at the end. Use spell check! Write original work on topics you know! Do not write any personal feeling or stories. Your article is not a blog. Simply write a summary, then steps. Start each step with an action verb!

Get help anytime at Ehow!
The nice thing about Ehow is not only can you contact Ehow anytime, you may also go to the Community Forum and ask your question there. Ehow is a warm community, and everyone is willing to help!

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